Saturday, April 28, 2018

Item of the Week: Halo Top Ice Cream

Sit back and grab a spoon, this is most likely going to be the most delicious post I'll ever write.  

Halo Top Ice Cream.  If you haven't tried it yet, put down your computer or phone, grab your car keys and go to the store right now to get your very own.  I'll wait.
Yes, it's THAT good!
Everywhere you look, companies are jumping on the "healthy food bandwagon" and making their own versions of the latest and greatest healthy food.  I've gotta say, I was skeptical when they began experimenting on ice cream.
Then I tried Halo Top.  *Insert angels singing*
It all came about on a weekend when my husband was out of town.  I had just begun my new eating plan (we'll talk about that soon, it has been a game-changer!) and I needed a treat that wouldn't break the calorie bank.  I tucked my three little cherubs into bed, logged into Netflix and grabbed the Halo Top Caramel Macchiato flavor.
My expectations weren't high, it basically needed to taste something like ice cream and I'd be satisfied.  I'll admit, I did one of those silly double-take looks at the container that you usually see on commercials.  It was good.  After that first container, I may have gone back to try the Sea Salt Caramel....and the Mint Chip.  Both delicious in their own right and perfect for those times when you need to pretend you're not trying to eat within a certain caloric parameter.
But if you've had one of those days where your car broke down in a thunderstorm during need to reach for Halo Top's Candy Bar flavor.  This wonderful little delight skips the niceties of lower calories and fancily titled flavors.  Sure, it's slightly higher in calories than it's counterparts, but it's totally worth it.  It tastes like a snickers bar exploded in chocolaty flavored ice cream.  
So the next time you're trying to maintain a calorie threshold while your family is scooping up Hudsonville and Breyers, you can feel good about reaching for your Halo Top.
Have you tried any other Halo Top flavors that you like more than the Candy Bar?

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