Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas Magic

One of the things that makes this season so wonderful is that it is an excuse to slow down the pace of life and do things that we don't normally get to do.  
Like puzzles.  
And full days spent in the kitchen baking and decorating cookies.
And Hikes through the nature trail in the middle of the day.
And Candlelight Christmas Service to remember the reason for our hope and peace.

These are the things I cherish, the things that I look forward to all year long.  Before too long, we'll be back to the break-neck pace of life.  Running to meetings, and sports practices, and doctor appointments.
But for now, more of this please.  More forgetting about what day it is, more hours without looking at our phones, and more of my family please.


I am unapologetically a Biohacker.   If you've read my previous post on Biohacking, you'll know that we all Biohack in little ways.  Yup, you do too.  But I found a BIG way to change the course of my health.

Here's how it happened for me: 
In June of 2019 I was at my daughter's Horse riding lesson when her trainer started talking about some new crazy product she was taking.  She could not stop talking about her increased energy, decreased allergy symptoms, leveled out moods (*ahem* not a small feat with women)... and the way it had changed her sleep.
That's where my ears perked up.