Sunday, November 17, 2019

I'm a Biohacker

The first time I heard that word, I had many thoughts...and none of them were good. 
Futuristic, New Age, Sinister, Cult-ish are just a few of the things that popped into my head.  They were grouped into that category with "Things I would never want to touch with a 10-foot-pole".  But when I took the time to research what it truly means, I realized just how life changing (and not even the least bit scary) it was.
What I didn't even realize (and I'd wager you didn't either) is that most of us are ALREADY Biohacking.  Do you take supplements?  Do you work out?  Do you have some sort of diet that you're trying to stick with?  Then you are already a Biohacker, to some extent.  Biohacking is just consciously changing your environment in order to get a desired outcome.  
But here's where it gets really cool:  There are ways to Biohack that ACTIVATE your cells.  So instead of putting a band aid on your health problem, specific types of Biohacking actually work with your cells to support healing  from the inside out.  
You may have figured it out by now, but our bodies are deteriorating day by day.  It's called Aging.  And while we can't stop the process, we CAN slow it down.  Think about it:  In the Bible, it talks about people living for hundreds of years.  HUNDREDS.  So why don't we live that long now?  Free radicals.  Pollution.  I won't even pretend to know all of the answers to the questions you have.  I had tons of questions too.  But I CAN point you in the right direction to answer your questions.  
It sounds too good to be true.  That's what I thought too.  Until I tried it for myself and experienced changes in my health that made me believe that it was working.   More on that another time.  In the meantime, let me know if you'd like to hear my story and what I found that worked for me.

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