Sunday, November 24, 2019


I believe in the power of MOMENTUM.   

Some days I’m going downhill and everything comes easy.   
Other days, it’s a constant uphill battle.    
But I believe in the power of that first leap…step…or even crawl.  
Lacing up my shoes and stepping out the door for a run even when my body is begging me not to.
Writing that first sentence in an apology in order to try to restore a relationship.
Mustering the willpower to turn down a cookie because I know I won’t be able to turn down another one…or two…or three after that. 
I’m working towards my goal.  It seems so lofty and distant, but the minute I take that first step, it suddenly feels a lot more manageable.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

I'm a Biohacker

The first time I heard that word, I had many thoughts...and none of them were good. 
Futuristic, New Age, Sinister, Cult-ish are just a few of the things that popped into my head.  They were grouped into that category with "Things I would never want to touch with a 10-foot-pole".  But when I took the time to research what it truly means, I realized just how life changing (and not even the least bit scary) it was.